Title: 13 Ways to Eat a Fly
Author: Heavenrich, Sue
ISBN: 9781580898904
Publisher: Charlesbridge
Published: 2021
Binding: Regular Hardback
Language: English
Condition: New
New from the publisher
Juvenile Non-Fiction 1368017
Publisher Description:
Thirteen flies become tasty snacks in this clever reverse counting book about subtraction, predators, and prey.
Science meets subtraction in this fresh and funny STEM picture book with plenty of ewww factor to please young readers. A swarm of thirteen flies buzzes along, losing one member to each predator along the way. Whether the unfortunate insects are zapped or wrapped, liquefied or zombified, the science is real–and hilariously gross. Includes a guide to eating bugs, complete with nutritional information for a single serving of flies.
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